Title  |
Artist  |
Issue |
Page |
Art Type  |
Price |
Catfight: Dream Warrior #1 VERY SEXY Back Cover (1995)
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
Paul Abrams (penciller)
Cover |
On Hold
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty #8 p 17 Semi-Splash (CAP & FALCON ALL WET!)
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
Michael Golden (penciller)
Splash Page |
Captain America / Deathlok Detailed Pinup
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
Ethan Van Sciver (pencils and inks)
Pinup |
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
Steve Ditko (pencils and inks)
Cover |
Captain Flash Pinup
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
Will Meugniot (pencils and inks)
Pinup |
Captain America #329 p 11 (Demolition Man!) 1987
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
Paul Neary (penciller) Vince Colletta (inker)
Interior Page |
Captain America #329 p 14 (Demolition Man - D-MAN Battling!) 1987
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
Paul Neary (penciller) Vince Colletta (inker)
Interior Page |
Captain America Detailed Pinup
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
Jim Steranko (all)
Pinup |
Cat & Mouse #10 p 5 (Cat,Tooth & Nail!) Large Art -1990
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
Mitch Byrd (penciller) Ken Branch (inker)
Interior Page |
Cat & Mouse #10 p 20 (Cat Beats Up Martin Rossman!) Large Art -1990
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
Mitch Byrd (penciller) Ken Branch (inker)
Interior Page |
Captain Atom #54 p 20 (Captain Atom In EVERY PANEL!) 1991
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
Mike Gustovich (penciller) Romeo Tanghal (inker)
Interior Page |
Captain Marvel #35 p 30 (Captain Marvel Battles Annihilus In the NEGATIVE ZONE!) 1974
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
Alfredo Alcala (pencils and inks)
Interior Page |
Captain America Reborn #3 p 30 (Sin &Crossbones Handling Red Skull Mask!)
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
Bryan Hitch (penciller) Jackson (Butch) Guice (inker)
Interior Page |
Captain America Pinup (SOLD LIVE ON 'DUELING DEALERS OF COMIC ART' EPISODE #62 PODCAST ON 3-23-2022 Watch it Here!
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
Luciano Bernasconi (all)
Pinup |
Captain Sternn & the Space Pirates p 10 Unfinished Pinup (1993)
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
Bernie Wrightson (pencils and inks)
Splash Page |
Captain Marvel #35 p 20 (CAPTAIN MARVEL IN 5 of 6 PANELS!)
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
Patrick Zircher (penciller) Scott Hanna (inker)
Interior Page |
Captain America and Falcon #1 Splash (SOLD LIVE ON 'DUELING DEALERS OF COMIC ART' EPISODE #77 PODCAST ON 7-6-2022 Watch it Here!
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
Rebekah Isaacs (all)
Pinup |
Captain America Detailed Pinup
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
Arvell Jones (pencils and inks)
Pinup |
Captain America Drawing (SOLD LIVE ON 'DUELING DEALERS OF COMIC ART' EPISODE #92 PODCAST ON 10-26-2022 Watch it Here!
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
John Romita Sr. (all)
Pinup |
Captain Marvel #40 Cover (Captain Marvel Battles Alien Monster!) 1975
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
Al Milgrom (pencils and inks)
Cover |
Captain America #432 Unused Cover & Savage Beauty #1 Published Cover
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
Dave Hoover (all)
Cover |
Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers) Super Detailed Illustration
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
Nick Bradshaw (all)
Pinup |
Captain America #438 p 26 (SOLD LIVE ON 'DUELING DEALERS OF COMIC ART' EPISODE #109 PODCAST ON 3-1-2023)
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
Dave Hoover (penciller)
Interior Page |
Captain America Detailed Mixed Media Illustration
Media Type: Mixed Media |
Tim Townsend (all)
Pinup |
Captain Marvel Running & Punching Pinup (1990s)
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
Jim Starlin (pencils and inks)
Pinup |
Captain America Horizon Model Kit Box Art (STUNNING DETAIL WITH JOHN ROMITA SR INKS!) 1989
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
Ron Frenz (penciller) John Romita Sr. (inker)
Cover |
Captain America Published PRODUCED T-Shirt Art! (1990s)
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
Mike Zeck (pencils and inks)
Pinup |
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
Kyle Hotz (pencils and inks)
Splash Page |
Captain America Unpublished Cover / Pinup (1990s)
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
Mark Pacella (penciller) Dan Panosian (inker)
Pinup |
Carnage First ASM #361 Battle Splash Recreation Pinup
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
Randy Emberlin (pencils and inks)
Pinup |
Captain America Illustration - 1980 (SOLD LIVE ON 'DUELING DEALERS OF COMIC ART #126 PODCAST ON 7-5-2023 WATCH IT HERE!
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
George Perez (all)
Pinup |
On Hold
Captain America Mixed Media Patriotic Pinup (2001)
Media Type: Mixed Media |
Steve Rude (all)
Pinup |
Captain Marvel Cover (Image Sent To Marvel To Be Used Later For A Comic Cover!)
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
Scott James (all)
Cover |
Captain America: The Chosen #6 Last Page Splash (Captain America Gives A Soldier Strength!) 2007
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
Mitch Breitweiser (pencils and inks)
Splash Page |
Captain America Published Marvel Letterhead Artwork (1980s)
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
Frank Miller (penciller) Joe Rubinstein (inker)
Pinup |
Capwolf & the Howling Commandos #1 p 16 Splash (SOLD LIVE ON 'DUELING DEALERS OF COMIC ART #139 PODCAST ON 11-1-2023 WATCH IT HERE!
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
Carlos Magno (all)
Splash Page |
CapWolf and The Howling Commandos #1 Splash (SOLD LIVE ON 'DUELING DEALERS OF COMIC ART #143 PODCAST ON 12-27-2023 WATCH IT HERE!
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
Carlos Magno (pencils and inks)
Splash Page |
Captain Atom #27 p 30 Splash (Captain Atom, Blue Beetle, Mister Miracle, Booster Gold!) 1988
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
Pat Broderick (penciller) Bob Smith (inker)
Splash Page |
Captain Sternn Promo Poster For The Comic Book Series (2 Main Images of STERRN & BEEZER Are Quite Similar To Issue #1 Cover) 1993
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
Bernie Wrightson (pencils and inks)
Pinup |
Captain Marvel #3 p 10 (Captain Marvel Battles THE SUPER SKRULL!) 1968
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
Gene Colan (penciller) Vince Colletta (inker)
Interior Page |
Captain Sternn: Running Out of Time #5 Large Mixed Media Cover
Media Type: Mixed Media |
Bernie Wrightson (all)
Cover |
Carnage Black, White and Blood #2 Splash (AWESOME CARNAGE CLIMBS A BOAT & MASSACRES EVE 2021
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
Kyle Hotz (pencils and inks)
Splash Page |
Captain America Classic Running Merchandising Pinup (1970s)
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
John Romita Sr. (pencils and inks)
Pinup |
.jpg) |
Captain America #9 Semi-Splash (The Falcon Battles Codename Bravo!) 2012
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
Alan Davis (penciller) Mark Farmer (inker)
Splash Page |
Captain America's Bicentennial Battles Treasury #1 p 60 (CAPTAIN AMERICA & MR BUDA!) 1976
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
Jack Kirby (penciller) Dan Adkins (inker)
Interior Page |
On Hold
Captain Marvel Adventures #2 p 2 (The Arson Fiend Killing People!) Golden Age Large Art - 1941
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
George Tuska (pencils and inks)
Interior Page |
Captain Marvel Adventures #2 p 13 (The Arson Fiend Killing People With Fire!) Golden Age Large Art - 1941
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
George Tuska (pencils and inks)
Interior Page |
Captain Marvel Adventures #2 p 5 (The Arson Fiend Killing People With Fire!) Golden Age Large Art - 1941
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
George Tuska (pencils and inks)
Interior Page |
Captain Marvel Adventures #2 p 9 (HUGE Image of The Arson Fiend, With Billy Batson Trying To Solve Crimes!) Golden Age Large Art - 1941
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
George Tuska (pencils and inks)
Interior Page |
Captain Marvel Adventures #2 p 8 (CAPTAIN MARVEL YELLS SHAZAM & CHANGES TO BILLY BATSON DURING A FIRE!) Golden Age Large Art - 1941
Media Type: Pencil and Ink |
George Tuska (pencils and inks)
Interior Page |
On Hold