Romitaman Original Comic Book Art: Your Friendly Neighborhood Art Dealer


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1027 items added to the site in the last 90 days (9/10/2024 to 12/8/2024). Displaying records 151 through 300.

Ordered by: Date    Title    Artist Last Name    Price (High to Low)    Price (Low to High)*
*Note that sorting by price excludes all items that are sold or on hold.

Click the image or title below to view the item. If you wish to filter the list further, begin to type what you are looking for (title, artist name, etc.) in the box below:

Vampirella Mixed Media Pinup Gonzalo Mayo (all)
Art Type: Pinup
Price: $400

Very Large Batman Pinup Mike Nasser (all)
Art Type: Pinup
Price: $400

Weapon X Graphic Illustration (2011) Shawn Crystal (pencils and inks)
Art Type: Pinup
Price: $400

Batman Pinup (PEREZ PENCILS & INKS!) George Perez (pencils and inks)
Art Type: Pinup
Price: $450

Legends Batman PUBLISHED Style Guide Pinup Phil Hester (pencils and inks)
Art Type: Pinup
Price: $450

Rose #1 p 2 (Sexy Oversized Art) 1992 Mark Beachum (pencils and inks)
Art Type: Interior Page
Price: $450

Tracers Splash Page Ashley Wood (penciller)
Art Type: Splash Page
Price: $450

Batman Pinup (1984) Jerry Bingham (pencils and inks)
Art Type: Pinup
Price: $475

Catwoman PSA Grade Sketch Card NEW 11/23
Bill Sienkiewicz (all)
Art Type: Interior Page
Price: $475

Green Arrow Detailed Pinup Mike Grell (all)
Art Type: Pinup
Price: $475

Batman Illustration Jerry Robinson (all)
Art Type: Pinup
Price: $500

Batman Pinup (VERY EARLY NASSER BATMAN ART) 1977 Mike Nasser (pencils and inks)
Art Type: Pinup
Price: $500

Dr. Frankenstein Drawing John Romita Sr. (all)
Art Type: Pinup
Price: $500

Enchantress Pinup (2001) Walt Simonson (pencils and inks)
Art Type: Pinup
Price: $500

HUGE Batman Pinup Steve Scott (pencils and inks)
Art Type: Pinup
Price: $500

Incredible Hulk Detailed Painting Dean Hopkins (painter)
Art Type: Pinup
Price: $500

Iron Man #267 p 3 (THE MANDARIN THROUGHOUT!) 1991 NEW 11/23
Paul Ryan (penciller)
Bob Wiacek (inker)
Art Type: Interior Page
Price: $500

Iron Man #270 p 9 (THE MANDARIN THROUGHOUT!) 1991 NEW 11/23
Paul Ryan (penciller)
Bob Wiacek (inker)
Art Type: Interior Page
Price: $500

Madman Mixed Media Pinup Steve Rude (all)
Art Type: Pinup
Price: $500

Our Fighting Forces #117 p 1 SPLASH (1968) Fred Ray (pencils and inks)
Art Type: Interior Page
Price: $500

Tarzan & La of Opar Detailed Pinup (2000) Tom Yeates (pencils and inks)
Art Type: Pinup
Price: $500

Team Youngblood 10 Member Pinup (SWEET) 2005 John Stinsman (pencils and inks)
Art Type: Pinup
Price: $500

X-Men Mixed Media Battle Pinup (2018) NEW 11/23
Mark Pennington (all)
Art Type: Pinup
Price: $500

'Maia' Painting David Stoupakis (painter)
Art Type: Pinup
Price: $550

Batman Detailed Painted Pinup Richard Pace (painter)
Art Type: Pinup
Price: $550

Wolverine AWESOME Pinup Ron Wilson (pencils and inks)
Art Type: Pinup
Price: $550

Analog Science Fiction Illustration (1960s) Vincent Difate (pencils and inks)
Art Type: Pinup
Price: $575

Mummy Very Detailed Pinup Kyle Hotz (pencils and inks)
Art Type: Pinup
Price: $600

Polar Batman Detailed Pinup Manuel Garcia (all)
Art Type: Pinup
Price: $600

Silver Surfer / Thanos Pinup Ron Wilson (all)
Art Type: Pinup
Price: $600

Thor Battles The Thing Pinup! Ron Wilson (all)
Art Type: Pinup
Price: $600

Vampirella Large Painting Tony DeZuniga (painter)
Art Type: Pinup
Price: $600

Wonder Woman Pinup (11 Phil Noto (all)
Art Type: Pinup
Price: $650

Pennywise Painted Pinup Gris Grimly (painter)
Art Type: Pinup
Price: $675

1027 items in this room. Displaying records 151 through 300.

Ordered by: Date    Title    Artist Last Name    Price (High to Low)    Price (Low to High)*
*Note that sorting by price excludes all items that are sold or on hold.